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Privacy Policy

When in Bucharest is a trademark registered to AB TEAM TOUR SRL. Our family company policy is committed to respecting and maintaining your privacy.

Our website, WheninBucharest.com, collects from users different types of information useful in measurement and advertising. Thank you for consulting the present Privacy Policy which states the information regarding data collection and use by our company.


Information collected by WheninBucharest.com

The information that our website, WheninBucharest.com, is collecting about your is personal information you provide (e.g. name, e-mail address) and aggregate data (e.g. information about how many users visit our site or the countries they are from).


We reserve the right to update the Privacy Policy in the future, these changes will be reflected on the Privacy Policy page of the When in Bucharest website.


For any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy we remain available via e-mail. Thank you!