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Traveling as a family is one of the most beautiful ways to enjoy a holiday. To make the best of your family’s time in Bucharest, we recommend a series of venues and museums to enjoy together with your children:


Bookshops with areas for children:

  • Carturesti Bookshop – Verona (on Arthur Verona street nr.13, on the corner with Magheru Boulevard; the attic area is wholly dedicated to children). Warmly recommend the Verona Garden behind the bookshop for lunch or lemonade, as well as the two little parks nearby: Gradina Icoanei and Parcul Ioanid.
  • French bookshop Kyralina, http://www.kyralina.ro


Children theatres:





  • The attraction park “Oraselul Copiilor” (Children’s City) in Tineretului Park (entrance from the Constantin Brancoveanu Subway station)
  • The attraction park “Insula Copiilor” (Children’s Island) in the Herastrau – Mihai I Park.
  • Escalade for children, https://carpatic.ro/en
  • Therme spa complex, https://therme.ro, the Galaxy area is dedicated to families and has plenty of waterslides.
  • Casa Experimentelor – The House of Experiments – all sorts of interesting, fun and educational activities and workshops for children, http://www.casaexperimentelor.ro
  • Bucharest Zoo, http://www.zoobucuresti.com/contact, Aleea Vadul Moldovei nr. 4, sector 1, Bucuresti
  • Outdoor activities in the forest at EdenLand Park, https://www.edenland.ro/home


And last, but not least, we recommend exploring the city together with one of our friendly local guides. We can tailor the tour to fit your family’s interests and make it an interesting and fun experience for all ages!

We look forward to hearing from you at office@wheninbucharest.com !