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We recommend the Castles of Transylvania Tour

We recommend the Castles of Transylvania Tour

The Castles of Transylvania is the most popular day tour from Bucharest to Transylvania. And this is because in a single day you get to see three beautiful places that would be very hard to get to on your own: The Peles Castle is the historic residence of the first...
Quality family time in Bucharest

Quality family time in Bucharest

Traveling as a family is one of the most beautiful ways to enjoy a holiday. To make the best of your family’s time in Bucharest, we recommend a series of venues and museums to enjoy together with your children:   Bookshops with areas for children:...
5 parks worth visiting in Bucharest

5 parks worth visiting in Bucharest

Bucharest is very lucky to have many historic parks and public gardens all across the city. At one point in the mid-19th century, Bucharest was poetically named by the French journalist Ulysse de Marsillac the “garden-city”. Many things have changed in the...
Lemonade break

Lemonade break

Today it’s 2° Celsius (that’s 35° Fahrenheit) and snowing like in a fairy tale. That’s why I’m thinking of lemonade and the sunny summer days! Lemonade is a typical and refreshing drink all cafes and restaurants in Bucharest will serve all throughout the year,...
Mărțișor. Romanian traditions for the 1st of March

Mărțișor. Romanian traditions for the 1st of March

Mărțișor, an ancient Romanian tradition for the beginning of spring Dear travelers, if you’re visiting Bucharest the last days of February, you will find plenty of outdoor markets. What’s going on? It’s simple: we’re getting ready for the 1st of March, a very...
When to visit Bucharest? Springtime!

When to visit Bucharest? Springtime!

When in Bucharest? In springtime Ever wonder why some seasons are more becoming to certain cities or why one couldn’t even picture traveling to some destinations out of the tourist season? Well, in Bucharest’s case I believe that spring is the most enjoyable season....